Approve (or reject) an Annual Financial Statement

Funded Organisations have two options for submitting their Annual Financial Statements (AFS). An AFS includes an Annual Audited Financial Statement (AAFS) and an Annual Acquittal Statement (AAS).

After the Organisation Director certifies the AFS, the P2i Payment Allocation Officer receives an email notification and can assess the AFS submission and approve it or reject it. If an AFS submission is rejected, it is returned to the Budget & Finance Officer for correction and resubmission.

Refer to the steps, Rejecting an Annual Financial Statement, for details on how to send an AFS submission back to the Funded Organisation.

Warning No notification is sent to the P2i Payment Allocation Officer if an AAFS is added at the organisation level.

When the P2i Payment Allocation Officer receives notification the AFS has been submitted, checking must occur to determine whether the AFS submission contains both documents or contains only the AAS.

If the AFS submission contains only the AAS, the P2i Payment Allocation Officer must confirm the AAFS has been added at the organisation level before approving the AFS submission.